Al Wathba Fossil Dunes

Today we were tourists in our own town. We took a short, 45 minute journey to our North to see some gorgeous rock formations.


The adventure nearly didn’t happen and Little T was pretty insistent he wasn’t going. He wanted to have morning movie time and was also scared to find scorpions in the desert. But we persevered and agreed that if he didn’t like it we could turn right around and come home. As usual he loved it and was so glad that we were there.

The photo opportunities were stunning and Mr T got some gorgeous shots. There were no fossils to be found but we did stumble upon a few camel bones and carcasses, luckily nothing too fresh, as Little T was so intrigued he wanted to pick up all the bones! As with everything we do there were so many learning opportunities here. Talking about how the formations were created, how did the camels die, why was the temperature different and so many other conversations.


It really was a great way to spend a Saturday morning, and we were amazed at how much cooler it was there than at our place. I will add it was not a well maintained tourist site, there was a fair amount of litter and leftover camp fires. But for a little local outing it didn’t bother us too much.

It really is true what is said about being in nature, we couldn’t help but feel relaxed and appreciate this place we live, a really lovely way to start our day.

-Mrs T

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